Concept Embeddings tutorial

Limits of Concept Bottleneck Models

For this simple tutorial, let’s approach the trigonometry benchmark dataset with a concept bottleneck model:

import torch
import torch_explain as te
from torch_explain import datasets
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

x, c, y = datasets.trigonometry(500)
x_train, x_test, c_train, c_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, c, y, test_size=0.33, random_state=42)

We can instantiate a simple concept encoder to map the input features to the concept space and then a task predictor to map concepts to task predictions:

concept_encoder = torch.nn.Sequential(
    torch.nn.Linear(x.shape[1], 10),
    torch.nn.Linear(10, 8),
    torch.nn.Linear(8, c.shape[1]),
task_predictor = torch.nn.Sequential(
    torch.nn.Linear(c.shape[1], 1),
model = torch.nn.Sequential(concept_encoder, task_predictor)

We can now train the network by optimizing the cross entropy loss on both concepts and tasks:

optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=0.01)
loss_form_c = torch.nn.BCELoss()
loss_form_y = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
for epoch in range(501):

    # generate concept and task predictions
    c_pred = concept_encoder(x_train)
    y_pred = task_predictor(c_pred)

    # update loss
    concept_loss = loss_form_c(c_pred, c_train)
    task_loss = loss_form_y(y_pred, y_train)
    loss = concept_loss + 0.5*task_loss


Once trained we can check the performance of the model on the test set:

c_pred = concept_encoder(x_test)
y_pred = task_predictor(c_pred)

concept_accuracy = accuracy_score(c_test, c_pred > 0.5)
task_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred > 0)

As you can see the performance of the model is not great as the task task accuracy is around ~80%. Can we do better?

Concept Embeddings

Using concept embeddings we can solve our problem much more efficiently. We just need to define a task predictor and a concept encoder using a concept embedding layer:

import torch
import torch_explain as te

embedding_size = 8
concept_encoder = torch.nn.Sequential(
    torch.nn.Linear(x.shape[1], 10),
    te.nn.ConceptEmbedding(10, c.shape[1], embedding_size),
task_predictor = torch.nn.Sequential(
    torch.nn.Linear(c.shape[1]*embedding_size, 1),
model = torch.nn.Sequential(concept_encoder, task_predictor)

We can now train the network by optimizing the cross entropy loss on concepts and tasks:

optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=0.01)
loss_form_c = torch.nn.BCELoss()
loss_form_y = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
for epoch in range(501):

    # generate concept and task predictions
    c_emb, c_pred = concept_encoder(x_train)
    y_pred = task_predictor(c_emb.reshape(len(c_emb), -1))

    # compute loss
    concept_loss = loss_form_c(c_pred, c_train)
    task_loss = loss_form_y(y_pred, y_train)
    loss = concept_loss + 0.5*task_loss


Once trained we can check the performance of the model on the test set:

c_emb, c_pred = concept_encoder.forward(x_test)
y_pred = task_predictor(c_emb.reshape(len(c_emb), -1))

concept_accuracy = accuracy_score(c_test, c_pred > 0.5)
task_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred > 0)

As you can see the performance of the model is now great as the task task accuracy is around ~100%.